Music Generation with Magenta.js

Using JavaScript and Machine Learning in Arts

Alexandre DuBreuil (@dubreuia)

Alexandre DuBreuil

Software engineer, sound designer, book author, conference speaker and open source maintainer.


Introduction to Magenta

Make Music and Art Using Machine Learning

Magenta Logo "An open source research project exploring the role of machine learning as a tool in the creative process." - Google Magenta (

Magenta in Python

Python Logo Tensorflow Logo Tensorboard

Magenta.js in JavaScript

JavaScript Logo Tensorflow Logo WebGL Logo Tone.js Logo

Demo 01 - Generating audio 🔊

Generating audio using GANSynth

GAN diagram The Generative Adversarial Network has been trained on short instrument notes (NSynth dataset)

Generating audio using GANSynth

<script src="(...)/npm/tone@13.8.25/build/Tone.min.js"></script>
<script src="(...)/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs@1.5.2/dist/tf.min.js"></script>
<script src="(...)/npm/@magenta/music@^1.12.1/es6/core.js"></script>
<script src="(...)/npm/@magenta/music@^1.12.1/es6/gansynth.js"></script>
const checkpointURL = "" +
const ganSynth = new gansynth.GANSynth(checkpointURL);
await ganSynth.initialize();
const specgrams = await ganSynth.randomSample(60);
const audio = await ganSynth.specgramsToAudio(specgrams);
const audioBuffer = Tone.context.createBuffer(1, length, sampleRate);
audioBuffer.copyToChannel(audio, 0, 0);

Demo 02 - Generating melodies 🎶

Generating melodies using MusicVAE

VAE diagram The Variational Autoencoder has been trained on 4 bars melodies from MIDI files of various sources

Generating melodies using MusicVAE

<!-- ... -->
<script src="(...)/npm/@magenta/music@^1.12.1/es6/music_vae.js"></script>
<!-- ... -->
const samples = await window.musicVae.sample(1);
const sample = samples[0];
const player = new Player();
Tone.Transport.loop = true;
Tone.Transport.loopStart = 0;
Tone.Transport.loopEnd = 8;
player.start(sample, 120);
const frequency = new Tone.Frequency(note.pitch, "midi");
const duration = note.endTime - note.startTime;
synth.triggerAttackRelease(frequency, duration, time, 1);

More Magenta

The power of the browser and Web Audio

Does it sound good? Let's say it's interesting... But with minimal code, we can get started on music generation, and distribute music generation applications easily 🤩



Music Generation with Magenta

Music Generation with Magenta book cover Explore the role of deep learning in music generation and assisted music composition

Chapter 8: Magenta in the Browser with Magenta.js

Thank you!

Slides and Code: